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Pet Parenting Done Right: Eco-Friendly Strategies for Animal Lovers

Pet Parenting Done Right: Eco-Friendly Strategies for Animal Lovers

Pet Parenting Done Right: An interview with Kim Almon.

Interviews are always best in audio. Listen here!


Kim Almon is a dog enthusiast + blogger who travels with Butter, her English Labrador Retriever on hikes + long road trips.


Kim is passionate about preserving the natural habitats she + Butter love to explore. She blogs about minimalism + sustainability as they apply to pet parenting + spearheads an eco-movement, aptly labeled #take3forthetrees. She offers her best dog-friendly trail suggestions on her website, too. 

Kim’s favorite homemade dog treat recipe:


This treat repels fleas, improves your dog’s coat + is insanely easy to make. (Just make sure to consult your veterinarian before offering it to your pup.)

1. Mix together equal parts coconut oil + peanut butter. Add a bit of cinnamon (optional).

2. Melt on the stove top. When mixture becomes a liquid, pour into ice cube trays. Freeze.


The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Pet Ownership

Kim generously created this free PDF for eco-conscious pet owners.

She reviews sustainable animal brands; she outlines everything you never knew about eco-friendly pet parenting, too.

Snag it here:


Thinking about purchasing that Pet Subscription Box? Think again.


1. Check your local Mom + Pop pet store first. They may start a monthly Subscription Box service on the small scale!

A local option will have less packaging + a smaller carbon footprint. 

2. Get creative. Use every single item in the box.

If you can’t or won’t use an item, donate or gift to a friend.

3. Items starting to pile up? Call + cancel the subscription.

Even better: notify the gifter. Thank them for the sentient, but ask for a specific alternative your pet needs, instead.

“I started #take3forthetrees + pick up at least 3 items of garbage every time I hike.”

Notable quotes from the episode:


“Think about all the stuff you already have. When it comes to adopting pets, reusing it all is really easy.”

“Subscription boxes are more for the people than for the pet. They’re tempting but not sustainable.”

“Keep the puppy supplies you have + pass them on once you’re done with them. Someone else will happily reuse them.”

“A dog’s capsule is a small collection of high-quality toys. It’s 9 items that are motivating, thought-provoking, training-friendly + they all fit in one basket so they don’t take up much space.”

“Not all dog toys are created equal. There are toys that are really durable + made to last; there are toys that are made to be shredded in 20 seconds or less, too.”


Love your pet the eco-friendly way.

Grab the Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Pet Ownership here: 


Kim’s best eco-friendly pet suggestions:


Think of pet ownership through the lens of the 5 R’s  (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Research, Repair).

Just buy less. Pets really don’t need much. 

Buy toys that are made well + will last. (Psst … You’ll find a list of Kim’s approved brands in the Sustainable Guide to Pet Ownership, above!)

Purchase squeakers online + sew destroyed toys back up with new squeaker inside.

Many pet medicines can be donated, even if they’ve been opened. Contact your local shelters + inquire. 

Got meds that must be discarded? Don’t flush them. Make them unpalatable by mixing with dirt, then put in the trash instead. 

Make dog treats at home. This reduces plastic packaging, controls ingredients + saves money.

Shop local! Use your Mom + Pop pet store as a resource.

Pick up trash when you’re out with your dog.

Pick up your dog’s poo + put it in biodegradable poo bags like these.

Don’t buy pointless toys. Purchase a dog’s capsule instead!

Get more of Kim Almon on her website!

Follow Butter’s adventures on Instagram!

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Resources mentioned:



My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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