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8 Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms

8 Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms

Have you scheduled self-care into your days lately? I get it. We're all busy. We're all over-scheduled, even. When something gets cut from our schedules, it's often the things we do to rejuvenate ourselves that get pushed aside first. Here are 8 self-care ideas that nurture heart, soul + health; even better, these 8 ideas can be completed in *just* 5 minutes.


Have you scheduled self-care into your days lately?

I get it: We’re all busy. When we must cut something, we almost always cut the tasks that rejuvenate ourselves from our schedules first.

I believe that self-care is less about time-intensive, expensive spa treatments (although if they light you up, go for ’em!). 

Indeed, self-care is a collection of little habits that promote healthy + peaceful existences.

I’m a huge advocate of stealing minutes when they arise. I *used to use* the 5 minutes that pop up throughout my days as a way to stay on top of household management. Lately, however, I’ve been using these tiny pockets of downtime in ways that nourish my body + soul.

That’s what we’re discussing today. We’re outlining strategies to steal 5 minutes here + 5 minutes there in ways that promote lasting mental + physical health.

Liann Hughes is a fellow blogger who has perfected the act of self-care in *just* 5 minutes. Hey are her best self-care strategies for busy moms:


What is self care, exactly? What is it not?


Self care isn’t pedicures, massages or shopping sprees. It’s the foundation for ensuring that we live long, healthy lives.

Self-care isn’t only some people. It’s available to everyone, all the time.

Self-care isn’t indulgent. It’s a necessity that ushers in both reflection + rejuvenation.

Practicing self-care is not narcissistic. It means you accept yourself as someone who needs a break once in a while, too.


Why is self-care important?


When done right, self-care promotes physical + mental well-being. That’s because we can’t live the lives we want to live if we don’t take care of ourselves.

Self-care is a way of getting to know yourself better. By prioritizing the things that rejuvenate, you learn what lights you up. As such, you realize your passions.

Self-care builds self-esteem by helping you realize that you’re the most important person in your life. That’s because – by taking care of you – you’re quietly affirming that you’re important.



Have you scheduled self-care into your days lately? I get it. We're all busy. We're all over-scheduled, even. When something gets cut from our schedules, it's often the things we do to rejuvenate ourselves that get pushed aside first. Here are 8 self-care ideas that nurture heart, soul + health; even better, these 8 ideas can be completed in *just* 5 minutes.

8 self-care ideas for busy people:




Even the most inflexible among us benefit from gentle stretching. Liann recommends 5-Minute Yoga with Adriene as her preferred start to her mornings.


Eat a piece of fruit (or a fresh vegetable).


The extra nutrients, fiber + natural sugars in fresh produce boost energy, quell hunger + leave you feeling alert much longer than anything processed.


Tend to a plant.


House plants improve indoor air quality. They enhance concentration + memory, too.

Caring for a plant offers opportunity for a simple weekly ritual that requires neither time or effort (just add water!).


Go outside, even if the weather’s bad.


Fresh air offers countless benefits (a strengthened immune system, improved digestion + cleansed lungs, to name a few).

Nowhere to go? No problem. Head out for a short walk or just step outside for just 5 minutes to change up your surroundings + offer a fresh perspective.


Drink more water.


Drinking water reduces fatigue, boosts brainpower + increases mood. Keep an empty glass by your sink: each time you pass it, use it as your reminder to drink a glassful.

If you’re often on-the-go, carry a reusable bottle (this one’s my absolute favorite!) to ensure you’re never without.


Journal your blessings. 


There’s a link between gratitude + well-being; that’s because gratitude nullifies toxic emotions including regret, resentment, envy + more.

Not a writer? No problem. Jot down one genuinely awesome thing from each day; before you know it, you’ve become a journaler.


Make a cup of tea.


By nature, the acts of both brewing + sipping tea force you to slow down: You can’t speed up a kettle of water. Neither can you gulp it down: it’s hot!

Take a step back from the daily grind + revel in the slower pace that hot beverages usher in.


Use hand cream. 


Give your hands extra TLC + practice mindfulness the same time. Choose a scent you love + focus on the experience of rubbing lotion into your palms then each finger, one by one.

Slow down this task + break it into smaller parts to revel in this simple sensation.


Stay consistent


Don’t break the chain! Track your efforts with a bullet journal.

Tracking gives extra motivation to continue self-care even when your schedule gets overwhelming. Tracking offers a sense of accomplishment, too.


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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

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