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A Mindful Wardrobe Refresh

A Mindful Wardrobe Refresh

Want to be “up to date” with your wardrobe choices? Fashion forwardness understands that the textile industry is incredibly polluting; having your finger on the fashion pulse, then, is about consciously choosing not to participate in trends.

And yet we somehow must dress ourselves. While fast fashion is quite literally made to fall apart, wearing what we wore decades ago isn’t a good look. So what on earth is a sustainable minimalist to do?

On today’s show: How to mindfully refresh your wardrobe with tips straight from experts.


* A note from Stephanie: The future of this show is uncertain, and it needs hundreds (hundreds!) more supporters to stay afloat. If you find yourself thinking about the world differently after listening, please consider supporting the show with $5 per month or $45 per year. Thank you for doing your part  to keep Sustainable Minimalists in existence!


Here’s a preview of the expert-backed techniques we are discussing today:

[8:30] All Killer, No Filler! Stop settling for garments that are “good enough”

[17:00] Adapt, Don’t Abandon: How to pair an outdated item with something that’s on trend

[24:00] Refine your style with The 3-Word Method

[26:00] Raise the dead! (A.K.A. bring back to life high-quality, foundational pieces)

[31:00] When all else fails, consider a uniform



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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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New Year, Same Ol' Wonderful You

Does it feel like there’s something hypocritical about New Year’s resolutions? They run counter to the idea that we should accept who we are. That we should give ourselves grace.

Resolutions shouldn’t be so grand that we set ourselves up to fail; they shouldn't attempt to "fix" what we've been told is broken, either ("I should be skinnier! I should make more $$!"). There’s a way to work towards personal development without believing you are deficient, and author Tyler Moore is here to show us how.

Here's a preview:

[10:00] Where can you edit to make the time and space to flourish?

[15:00] Differentiating between becoming the best you can be versus "fixing" what you've been told is broken

[22:00] Clearing mental clutter is an awful lot like decluttering your closet

[27:00] Instead of a New Year's resolution, try 12 monthly 'experiments', instead

[32:00] Why hitching your star to external markers of success rarely works, plus: Don't move the goalpost!


Resources mentioned:



My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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