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Are You Addicted To Your Smartphone?

Are You Addicted To Your Smartphone?

There’s plenty of distressing research into what smartphones are doing to adult attention spans, focus, and memory. And on child/teen development? Emerging research is even more alarming.

We are change makers, and change making means making difficult decisions, having difficult conversations, and going against the grain. On today’s show: Why we need to (yet again!) rethink our approach to technology and delay the age at which we give our children access to smartphones.


Here’s a preview:

[8:30] 57% of Americans report being “addicted” to their smart phones. Are you one of them?

[11:30] Smart phone addiction isn’t your fault! Here’s exactly how social media keeps your attention so they make more $$

[17:30] How to declutter your cell phone like a boss

[26:00] What recent research says with regard to the impacts of smart phones on children’s/teens’ wellness

[37:00] 5 reasons parents say they’re pulled to give their child a smart phone, plus alternative solutions!

[43:00] Individual actions impact the collective. How to make delaying the smart phone a staple in your  community


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We are change makers, and change making means making difficult decisions, having difficult conversations, and going against the grain. On this episode of the Sustainable Minimalists podcast: Why we need to (yet again!) rethink our approach to technology and delay the age at which we give our children access to smartphones.

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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There's Nothing Wrong With You

When we buy something, it's not necessarily about the *thing*. Oftentimes we are buying into a story about ourselves; namely, what we simply must fix as we seek to get one step closer to our aspirational, in-a-perfect-world self.

Important truth time: You are not a perpetual self-improvement project, and no product can fix what was never broken in the first place. On today's show: A conversation with author Cait Flanders about why she broke up with self-help content and flaws-first marketing messages (and why, too, she never looked back).


Here's a preview:

[5:00] Buying stuff to escape your feelings? (Me too.)

[10:00] The "there's something wrong with you" messaging starts in childhood, my friends

[13:00] Where's the line between prioritizing self-growth versus living in that perpetually sad place of 'less than'?

[20:00] Here's how your life may change if you stopped spending $$ on products to fix what you've been told is broken

[26:00] Musings on letting go of our aspirational selves once and for all


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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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