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Climate Change And Family Planning

Climate Change And Family Planning

Difficult truth time: A child born today will live on a planet that’s hotter than it has ever been since human civilization developed. And us humans? We’re the ones who created this problem.

According to one study, each child born in the United States adds thousands of tons of carbon dioxide to their parents’ lifetime carbon legacy. While some prospective parents rightly question whether it’s ethical to have children and thus contribute to our global warming woes, others wonder whether it’s fair *to the child* to bring them into a world with such an uncertain – and perhaps unstable – future.

The decision to have a family is a profoundly emotional and personal one that’s made more complex with looming climate threats. When it comes to taking drastic measures to curb global warming, is the onus of responsibility on us individuals? Or is it on polluting, business-as-usual corporations and other systemic forces?

It’s Difficult Decisions Week on the podcast and on today’s show my guests and I tackle the most difficult one of all: family planning in the era of climate change.


Here’s a preview:

[9:00] Breaking down the carbon emissions numbers and adding in legacy

[12:00] Is it ethical to bring a child into a world that’s rapidly warming?

[14:00] Thoughts on intentionally having children and raising them to be stewards of the planet

[20:00] The paradox of privilege: if we’re privileged enough to not feel the effects of climate change, can/should we go on living as usual?

[24:00] It all comes down to hope. How hopeful are you?



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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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Water Smarts

Water is a finite resource. Freshwater shortages are increasingly striking regions around the globe and, as demand for water rises while supply continues to drop, the price of water will likely skyrocket. It’s more important than ever to be smart about water. On today's show horticulturist Noelle Johnson offers easy ways to save water and have a beautiful yard — even amongst challenging climatic conditions.    Here's a preview: [5:00] Globally, less rain is falling. And simultaneously the planet is desertifying. What are the consequences? [11:00] Exactly why rainwater is better for our plants than water from the hose, plus: 3 ways to effectively capture rainwater [15:00] Did you know you can repurpose gray water in your yard? (I sure didn't!) [26:00] Musings on lawns [32:00] 7 ways to use less water in your vegetable garden (hint: raised beds require more water!)   Resources mentioned: Episode #137: The Global Water Crisis Episode #500: Rebuilding Your Village The Water-Smart Garden: Techniques and Strategies for Conserving, Capturing, and Efficiently Using Water in Today's Climate... and Tomorrow's Noelle on Instagram   This show is listener-supported. Thank you for supporting! Join our (free!) Facebook community here. Find your tribe. Sustainable Minimalists are on Facebook, Instagram + Youtube @sustainableminimalists Say hello! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

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