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6 Things You Can’t Buy On Amazon

6 Things You Can’t Buy On Amazon

Prime Week has come and gone … for now. And while there are countless questionable items you can indeed purchase on Amazon (a mini hand squirrel, anyone?), there are 6 very specific intangibles that simply cannot be bought. Not now, not ever.

On today’s show we apply the 6-Factor Model For Psychological Wellbeing to our lives for greater clarity around what actually sparks joy.

Here’s a preview:

[4:00] Connections between the fashion and beauty industries and bandaids when it comes to self-acceptance

[8:30] You can’t buy friends! 2 ways possessions keep us isolated

[12:00] What’s the opposite of keeping up with the Joneses? It’s this (and it’s also a major factor in wellness)

[16:00] 3 ways in which your possessions directly work against your own level of environmental mastery

[20:00] Here’s why you can’t underestimate the importance of personal growth


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While there are countless questionable items you can indeed purchase on Amazon, there are 6 very specific intangibles that simply cannot be bought. Not now, not ever. On this episode of the Sustainable Minimalists podcast: applying the 6 Factor Model For Psychological Wellbeing to our lives for greater clarity around what actually brings us joy.

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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Streamlining Non-Negotiables

Meal planning and prepping, laundry, and taking out the trash: These non-negotiable household tasks are never truly "done". And because it's impossible to get ahead of these mundane chores, they are likely the reason you feel like you’re always busy but never accomplish anything. The bad news? Non-negotiables are a part of adulting. The good news? Streamlining such chores with a reduces the time and mental load associated with getting them done.  On today's show: How to streamline meal planning *for the rest of your life* in under an hour.   Here's a preview:  [6:30] Breaking down exactly how much extra you're paying for meal kits [12:00] How to create a 28-day meal plan so you never have to meal plan again [16:00] Take it a step further with one-and-done and done grocery lists    Resource mentioned: Episode #270: Desperation Dinners This show is listener-supported. Thank you for supporting! Join our (free!) Facebook community here. Find your tribe. Sustainable Minimalists are on Facebook, Instagram + Youtube @sustainableminimalists Say hello!  


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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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