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Safer Nail Polish Ideas For Holistic Health

Safer Nail Polish Ideas For Holistic Health

Perfectly manicured hands and feet are the norm in 2021, and many of us feel out of place when we choose to abandon what’s socially accepted.

But there’s a “toxic trio” of chemicals in nail polish (toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate) and these chemicals leak through our nail beds and into our bloodstreams.

What’s the true cost, then, of fitting in? Is fitting in worth it if doing so harms our health?

This week, I speak with podcast host Megan Mikkelson. Megan is passionate about creating a non-toxic home for her daughters and uses her platform to help others become conscious, informed consumers. Today we dive deep into the problems behind conventional nail products and salon services; we also discuss safer nail polish ideas that can seamlessly stand in as alternatives to conventional products.

Here’s a preview of this week’s episode:

[4:30] Why exactly nail polish is concerning from a health perspective

[10:00] Manicures, culture, and the costs associated with “fitting in”

[11:45] Gel, dipped, and more: the health and ethical effects associated with our favorite salon treatments

[17:30] Eco-friendly and non-toxic nail polish ideas that actually last; plus: incremental nail care tweaks for better health

[27:30] Stephanie’s unbiased opinions on Dazzle Dry



Resources mentioned in the episode:


* Thank you to Quince for sponsoring this week’s episode! To get 50-80% off luxury apparel, accessories, home goods, and more go to

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* Want more episodes like this one? Check out #190: How to Curate a Healthy House.

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There's a "toxic trio" of chemicals in conventional nail polish (toluene, formaldehyde, and dibutyl phthalate) and these chemicals leak through our nail beds and into our bloodstreams. Inside: the ethical, environmental, and health problems associated with nail products and salon services; healthier nail polish ideas, too.


There's a "toxic trio" of chemicals in conventional nail polish (toluene, formaldehyde, and dibutyl phthalate) and these chemicals leak through our nail beds and into our bloodstreams. Inside: the ethical, environmental, and health problems associated with nail products and salon services; healthier nail polish ideas, too.


There's a "toxic trio" of chemicals in conventional nail polish (toluene, formaldehyde, and dibutyl phthalate) and these chemicals leak through our nail beds and into our bloodstreams. Inside: the ethical, environmental, and health problems associated with nail products and salon services; healthier nail polish ideas, too.

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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The Psychology of Spring Cleaning

There are few things more satisfying than completing a proper spring cleaning. Deep cleaning when the weather warms is a biological imperative that's rooted in centuries of tradition because the practice lightens moods and improves health. It also symbolizes renewal as we come out of hibernation and back into the sunshine.

You aren't alone in your seasonal desire to deep clean. On today's show: Opening the windows, deep-cleaning those closets, stripping the beds, and vacuuming those oft-ignored places just in time for the Spring Equinox.


Here's a preview:

[5:00] The evolutionary reasons that may explain why humans have "shaken their houses" for over 3 thousand years

[8:00] Using newspapers to clean your windows, mopping every week, and other cleaning myths

[18:00] Yes, you do need to spring clean your appliances! Here's how

[24:00] Exactly how to deep clean your bedding in 4 steps

[30:00] Love a good spring cleaning and want extra credit? Don't forget about these 5 oft-overlooked areas


Resources mentioned:



My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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