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Pop Culture and the Environmental Movement Today

Pop Culture and the Environmental Movement Today

Pop Culture and the Environmental Movement Today


In recent years, pop culture has raised important questions about the environmental movement today, and people are listening. Because while it can be easy to dissociate from media coverage surrounding global warming, climate change, and environmental racism, it’s much harder to do so when pop culture pushes the narrative.

The relationship between popular culture and popular opinion is circular, and so a great way to jumpstart conversations with children and other loved ones is to do so through a television show, a book, a movie, or a song that both hits the issue head-on and pulls at the heartstrings.

Today I’m speaking with author Jessica Harris. Jessica felt prompted to write a children’s book about plastic pollution after realizing that The Great Pacific Garbage Patch isn’t common knowledge: If adults don’t know about plastic’s problems, how can they teach their kids? Jessica and I discuss the reasons why pop culture—not media coverage!—may be the best means by which to both broaden and diversify the environmental movement today; we suggest solutions for engaging older children in the conversation, too.


Here’s a preview of this week’s episode:

[9:30] Why, exactly, pop culture is really darn important for the environmental movement today

[12:30] How to talk to older kids about global warming and climate change: What research says

[18:15] Why and how to  focus on solutions instead of ruminating on the magnitude of the problem

[25:00] The 7 areas that have made our world and shaped our future, plus sustainability concerns associated with cheap goods

[26:00] The promises associated with a circular economy (as opposed to a linear one)


Resources mentioned in the episode:


Other pop culture resources:

Children’s Books:

Television Shows and Movies:
  • Avatar
  • Wall-E
  • Blue Planet
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers
  • Ferngully
  • Planet Earth (BBC series)
  • Happy Feet
  • I am Greta
  • Police Patrol



* Want more shows like this one? Check out #0134: Raising Good Humans With Minimalist Parenting Guidance.

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In recent years, pop culture has raised important questions about the environmental movement today, and people are listening. Because while it can be easy to dissociate from media coverage surrounding global warming, climate change, and environmental racism, it's much harder to do so when pop culture pushes the narrative. On this episode of The Sustainable Minimalists podcast: how to use pop culture as a learning tool to teach your kids about sustainability.


In recent years, pop culture has raised important questions about the environmental movement today, and people are listening. Because while it can be easy to dissociate from media coverage surrounding global warming, climate change, and environmental racism, it's much harder to do so when pop culture pushes the narrative. On this episode of The Sustainable Minimalists podcast: an exhaustive list of pop culture resources to teach your kids about sustainability.


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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

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