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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
Latest podcast:

How To Let Stuff Go

When we let go of what doesn't serve us, we remove weight that holds us down. On today's show we turn to Zen Buddhism for wisdom on letting go of anxiety about the future, grudges, stuff, dead relationships, and more.

Here's a preview:

[4:00] Insanely anxious about the future? (Me too!) Don't spend your energy worrying; do this instead

[12:00] Think of decluttering not as throwing stuff away; think of it instead as setting your stuff (and yourself!) free

[19:00] How to let go of lost friendships and relationships, straight from the mouths of Buddhist monks

[26:00] Holding a grudge requires vast amounts of energy so become skilled at forgetting

[34:00] You're going to get to where you're meant to go, so there's no need to second-guess your choices


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My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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