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Financial Freedom + Minimalism

Financial Freedom + Minimalism


Financial freedom and minimalism with Rose Lounsbury.

Financial freedom and minimalism: An interview with Rose Lounsbury.

Interviews are always best in audio. Listen here!

Rose Lounsbury is a minimalism coach, speaker, and author of the Amazon bestseller “Less: Minimalism for Real.” After blogging about her own journey toward a minimalist lifestyle, Rose was inspired to start Less, a minimalism coaching company. Rose spends her days writing, helping clients clear their clutter, and soaking up the moments with her husband and their wild triplets. Rose is a regular guest on Fox News Good Day Columbus and has also been featured on NPR, Good Morning Cincinnati, and WDTN Living Dayton. She calls lovely Dayton, Ohio home.

Here’s what we discussed.

The LESS Method:


L – Lay Out your Vision + Purpose

E – Empty

S – Sort it Twice

S – Systemize

Spouse + kids not on board with minimalism? Here’s Rose’s advice:


Do nothing.

Instead, worry about your own stuff + ask for their help. Inviting them to help you may spurn a change.

Don’t Push your family into a lifestyle they aren’t ready for. It will backfire.

Rose’s 7 questions to ask yourself before discarding an item:


– Is this your favorite?

– Do you love it?

– If you lost it, would you replace it?

– Would you take it with you if you moved?

– Would you buy it again?

– How much would it cost to replace?

– What’s the worst that could happen if you let it go?

Notable Quotes from the Episode:


“For that precious little bit of time I had to myself (at the end of the day), all I did was clean up my house. … it was like I never relaxed in my home.”

“I’d been trying to organize my stuff. I had bins and labels and none of it really worked. When I finally realized what I really needed to do was let go of the things that didn’t serve me, that’s when things started to change in my house.”

“When you learn to live with less, you realize you can live with even less than you thought.”

“Be the example you wish to see in your home.”

Get more of Rose Lounsbury on her website, on Facebook + on Instagram!

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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The Psychology of Spring Cleaning

There are few things more satisfying than completing a proper spring cleaning. Deep cleaning when the weather warms is a biological imperative that's rooted in centuries of tradition because the practice lightens moods and improves health. It also symbolizes renewal as we come out of hibernation and back into the sunshine.

You aren't alone in your seasonal desire to deep clean. On today's show: Opening the windows, deep-cleaning those closets, stripping the beds, and vacuuming those oft-ignored places just in time for the Spring Equinox.


Here's a preview:

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[24:00] Exactly how to deep clean your bedding in 4 steps

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Resources mentioned:



My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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