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How to Handle Holiday Clutter

How to Handle Holiday Clutter

How to Handle Holiday Clutter: An interview with Joshua Becker. 


Interviews are always best in audio. Listen here!


Joshua Becker lives with his wife + two children in Arizona. After a conversation with their neighbor on Memorial Day 2008, they decided to intentionally live with fewer possessions. 

Joshua’s blog, Becoming Minimalist,offers a rational approach to minimalism including the joys, struggles + lessons learned. 

The CBS Evening News, NPR, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal + countless media interviews around the world have covered the family’s journey. Their books have sold tens of thousands of copies.

Purchase Joshua’s new book, The Minimalist Home, here


Holiday clutter comes in many forms. Joshua Becker gives us his best tips for handling the two biggest culprits: decorations + gifts. 


Holiday Decorations: 


Have yourself a merry little … well, physical boundary.

If you have 4 boxes of Christmas decorations, consider paring down to just a single box. One box becomes your physical boundary + you’re therefore forced to keep only your most favorite decorations.

Keeping a physical boundary also forces questions of importance: What’s important to me? What’s actually worth keeping? What do I actually enjoy putting out, year after year? 


Remember that everything has a clutter cost: There’s a benefit to everything we keep; there are burdens to keeping things, too, including financial burdens, time burdens + space burdens.




“I believe gift-giving is a love language. It’s something we do to express love to others. I don’t want to take that opportunity away from my parents who want to show love to my children. 



3. Gifts


For your own children

Consider the Want/Need/Read/Share gifting blueprint that many minimalists swear by. 

Redirect gift-giving habits into something that’s beneficial to the family unit. A family vacation or experience may have benefits that last longer than the new ‘It’ trinket. 



For extended family

Give lists to extended family members early in the holiday season.

When creating lists, consider the following: 

– Needs over wants

– Quality over quantity

– Experiences over possessions

– Consumables over non-consumables



One final tip:


Create breathing room in your home: Declutter BEFORE the holidays arrive. The result? Holiday clutter won’t seem quite so overwhelming. Here are 5 spaces to declutter before the holidays


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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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