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5 Gift Ideas for People Who Want Nothing

5 Gift Ideas for People Who Want Nothing

5 Gift Ideas for People Who Want Nothing


We all know that person. She’s notoriously hard to buy for. She says she doesn’t want anything for Christmas, birthdays, and other holidays that pop up throughout the year. 

I’m that person, and I’m sorry to say I get it.

Flashback to my first Christmas away from home. I was 19, and I had given my mom a list of practical gifts all under $20 that I actually wanted. But I didn’t get any of them; instead, my mother sent me a ton of super thoughtful gifts like a recipe box, a tablecloth and a cookie jar.

I made the mistake of telling her she “shouldn’t have.” I was just trying to be kind: I didn’t want her spending money on things I wouldn’t end up using anyway. Looking back, this was not something I should have said to my well-meaning mother on my first Christmas away from home.

Should you find yourself shopping for a stubborn minimalist like me; I’ve got plenty of gift ideas that can’t go wrong.


#1. Gift Cards


Gift cards are great for minimalists because – when the receiver truly needs something – she can purchase without financial guilt.

The type of gift card will vary depending on who you’re buying for, of course, but I’ve gathered some great minimalist-friendly ideas:

– iTunes gift card
– Amazon (Even if she doesn’t want to add clutter, Amazon has a huge variety of eBooks)
– Visa gift card
– eBay gift card



#2. Drinks

The great thing about purchasing a drink is it’s consumable.

Wine – For the wine lover, Wine of the Month Club is a perfect fit. (Talk about the gift that keeps on giving!)

Juice – For the health nut, send her freshly pressed juices straight to her door. Project Juice allows you to choose from their packages or create your very own juice cleanse.

Coffee – Send the minimalist in your life a bag from her favorite coffee shop, perhaps with a clever mug you know she’d love.

TeaMy Tea Drop forms their teas into super cute shapes that are oh-so-fun to plop into a teacup.


#3. Foodie Gifts


There are many creative ways to gift food these days. Here are a few super cute Pinterest foodie gift ideas you could put your own spin on:

Breakfast-in-Bed baskets

Date Night baskets

Candy Bouquets

A Movie Night in a Tin.

Foodie Gifts allow you to be both creative and specific with regard to your minimalist’s interests. Put in stuff she likes and show her how much you care.


#4. An Experience


Minimalists adore experiences.Consider gifting an experience that will allow the two of you to spend time together, like tickets to a concert or comedy show. My best friend bought tickets to see Chicago when we were teenagers and it has still gone down in history as one of the best gifts ever. Tickets to a sporting event or a camping weekend are also great ideas.

Getting creative allows the minimalist in your life to stress less about the financial obligation her favorite experiences may cost.


#5. Something Personalized


There are many great gift ideas for those of us who love adding personal touches to gifting. The Night Sky allows you to gift the stars to your loved one. Whether it be your wedding night, a birthday or another big day to remember, you can literally get the stars from that night on a poster. It’s such an amazing and creative gift; plus, it doesn’t take up any floor space!

Another idea I absolutely adore is a personalized cutting board. If, for example, you have an old favorite family recipe written in your grandmother’s handwriting, you can get it engraved onto the cutting board.


If all else fails…


If nothing sounds just right, here’s your fail-proof method: honor her wishes and embrace the fact that not everyone wants gifts.

Or give them cold, hard cash. Either will do.

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
Latest podcast:

The Shopping Conspiracy

Women have been targeted for decades with the message that shopping is recreation. It’s a way to relax and unwind, sure, but recreational shopping also contributes to the climate crisis, supports the worst of shareholder capitalism, and creates an awful lot of unnecessary waste.

Enter Buy Now: The Shopping Conspiracy, a hard-hitting new Netflix documentary that forces viewers to look at our waste-related woes. On today’s show producer Flora Bagenal offers a behind-the-scenes look at the documentary’s creation; she also answers your pressing, post-viewing questions.

A note from Stephanie: This episode was recorded before the Los Angeles wildfires. If you're able, please consider donating to one of these organizations


Here’s a preview:

[7:00] People find it hard to look at waste, and yet the film makes us look. A behind-the-scenes examination all those hard-hitting images

[16:30] Adidas, Amazon, Unilever, and Apple: Here's why the film featured former employees-turned-whistleblowers

[26:00] Corporate execs must show growth, and corporations are on a treadmill of extracting more and more $$ by pushing unnecessary and redundant products. Is not buying an effective act of resistance?

[30:00] Mindset shifts! Quality is a climate issue, and once you press ‘Buy Now’ you become responsible for the item’s end of life

[36:00] Exactly how to Use. Your. Rage!


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My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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