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6 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Halloween

6 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Halloween


Eco-friendly Halloweens are possible, and the secret lies in up cycling, repurposing + flexing your purchasing power. Inside: 6 easy ways to celebrate Halloween the eco-friendly way.


An eco-friendly Halloween is possible.

Halloween doesn’t have to be a wasteful, gluttonous affair. The secrets to a sustainable celebration lie in upcycling, repurposing + flexing purchasing power.

Here are 6 smart ways to celebrate the eco-friendly way:


1. Host a costume swap.


An eco-friendly Halloween starts with reused costumes.

So have some friends over + encourage them to offer up their unused Halloween costumes (for both children and adults!). Participants borrow others’ costumes, thus ensuring that old costumes are reused (and new costumes aren’t purchased!).


2. Upcycle as you decorate.


Set that spooky Halloween mood by looking inside in your recycling bin.

– Poke holes in aluminum cans, paint the exterior + place candles inside.

– Paint milk jugs orange as up cycled Jack-o-Lanterns.

– Create paper mache spiders from old paper.


3. Be a conscious (pumpkin) consumer.


Eco-friendly Halloweens are all about the pumpkin.

Ensure that your Jack-o-Lantern is local by purchasing your pumpkin from your nearest farmer.

When carving, create less waste by roasting the seeds + baking with the interior.

Once your pumpkin is past its prime, be sure to compost it.


Eco-friendly Halloweens are possible, and the secret lies in up cycling, repurposing + flexing your purchasing power. Inside: 6 easy ways to celebrate Halloween the eco-friendly way.

4. Buy (or make) beeswax candles. 


Conventional candles contain paraffin that pollute the air. Opt for beeswax, instead.

Did you know? Beeswax candles are a cinch to make. Here’s how.

5. Splurge on the candy


Fair-Trade certified products ensure sustainable harvests that increase biodiversity, so splurge on Fair-Trade certified chocolate this Halloween.


6. Ensure treats aren’t wasted.


Reduce food waste – or eliminate it altogether! – by ensuring that the Halloween treats actually get eaten. You can:


Save some for later.

Did you know? Most candy can be frozen.

Freeze some for gingerbread houses, birthday pinatas + for other bribery-needing occasions that may come up.



M&M’s can be added to cookies.

Assorted miniature candy bars are heavenly in brownies.

Other items pair well nuts in homemade trail mix.


Donate what’s left.

Dozens of nonprofits that will happily accept candy donations. Operation Shoebox is one of my favorites, as it sends candy to soldiers abroad.


Happy (eco-friendly) Halloween!

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My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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