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Fewer But Better Adult Friendships

Fewer But Better Adult Friendships

The global pandemic may have reduced the scope of your social circle. And while pandemics can indeed lead to isolation and loneliness, they may also usher in clarity about what—or in this case, who—is truly important. There are deep friendships and there are not-so-deep ones: are there benefits to intentionally nurturing fewer friendships while simultaneously giving your soul-level connections your best?

On today’s show we apply the principles of minimalism to adult friendships with Lifestyle Optimization Coach Meredith Keith-Chirch. Meredith argues there are mental and emotional benefits to consciously keeping our social circles small; she believes, too, that minimalism can help us navigate a friendship’s complexities without dramatics.


Here’s a preview of this week’s episode:

[4:00] The health benefits associated with having fewer but better friends

[9:00] Real friendship vs fake friendship: How to know when a friendship has reached its natural expiration date

[14:30] Breaking up with friends in a heart-first way (and without a big, dramatic moment)

[23:00] How to best handle a friend who never reciprocates the effort

[26:00] Drawing appropriate boundaries with ultra-needy friends

[30:00] 3 ways to nurture your soul-level friendships for the long haul


* Thank you to MamaZen for sponsoring this week’s episode! Get free access to the entire app for 30 days with promo code STEPHANIE.

* Thank you to also to Quince! Use code SM10 at checkout for 10% off your order of $100.

* Want more episodes like this one? Check out #094: Minimalism for Moms: Parenting The Simpler Way.

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The global pandemic may have reduced the scope of your social circle. And while pandemics can indeed lead to isolation and loneliness, they may also usher in clarity about what—or in this case, who—is truly important. There are real friendships and there are fake friendships: are there benefits to intentionally nurturing less of them? On this episode of The Sustainable Minimalists podcast: how to apply the principles of minimalism to your adult friendships for mental and emotional well-being.


The global pandemic may have reduced the scope of your social circle. And while pandemics can indeed lead to isolation and loneliness, they may also usher in clarity about what—or in this case, who—is truly important. Real friendships vs fake friendship? There benefits to intentionally nurturing less of them? On this episode of The Sustainable Minimalists podcast: how to apply the principles of minimalism to your adult friendships for mental and emotional well-being.

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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The Psychology of Spring Cleaning

There are few things more satisfying than completing a proper spring cleaning. Deep cleaning when the weather warms is a biological imperative that's rooted in centuries of tradition because the practice lightens moods and improves health. It also symbolizes renewal as we come out of hibernation and back into the sunshine.

You aren't alone in your seasonal desire to deep clean. On today's show: Opening the windows, deep-cleaning those closets, stripping the beds, and vacuuming those oft-ignored places just in time for the Spring Equinox.


Here's a preview:

[5:00] The evolutionary reasons that may explain why humans have "shaken their houses" for over 3 thousand years

[8:00] Using newspapers to clean your windows, mopping every week, and other cleaning myths

[18:00] Yes, you do need to spring clean your appliances! Here's how

[24:00] Exactly how to deep clean your bedding in 4 steps

[30:00] Love a good spring cleaning and want extra credit? Don't forget about these 5 oft-overlooked areas


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My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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