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Values-Based Spending

Values-Based Spending

In 1901, American families spent 20% of their income on non-necessities.  But 123 years later? These days that figure has risen to 50%. Many of us spend hard-earned money in hopes of acquiring things that money can’t buy, and the result? Nearly 3 and 4 of Americans identify finances as a top stressor in their lives.

Marketers have created consumer desire, sure, but it’s entirely possible to spend in alignment with your values. In a world of disposable incomes, global warming, and far too much cortisol, we need values-based spending now more than ever, because spending on your core values benefits your wallet, your sanity, and the planet all at once.

On today’s show author Jill Sirianni encourages us to drill down our core values so we spend less, save more, and recenter our lives around what’s actually important.


Here’s a preview:

[8:30] The Number One reason not to buy to solve your problems (It rarely works!)

[15:00] Faith, Family, Friends, and Fulfilling work: Identifying core values and the Four Fs

[18:00] It’s not deprivation, but it could be sacrifice … How does self-care fit into the values-based spending conversation?

[26:00] Nailing down your values and curb impulse spending for good



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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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New Year, Same Ol' Wonderful You

Does it feel like there’s something hypocritical about New Year’s resolutions? They run counter to the idea that we should accept who we are. That we should give ourselves grace.

Resolutions shouldn’t be so grand that we set ourselves up to fail; they shouldn't attempt to "fix" what we've been told is broken, either ("I should be skinnier! I should make more $$!"). There’s a way to work towards personal development without believing you are deficient, and author Tyler Moore is here to show us how.

Here's a preview:

[10:00] Where can you edit to make the time and space to flourish?

[15:00] Differentiating between becoming the best you can be versus "fixing" what you've been told is broken

[22:00] Clearing mental clutter is an awful lot like decluttering your closet

[27:00] Instead of a New Year's resolution, try 12 monthly 'experiments', instead

[32:00] Why hitching your star to external markers of success rarely works, plus: Don't move the goalpost!


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My Story

Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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