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Impulse Buys

Impulse Buys

Let’s face it: Impulse buys are fun in the moment. But what feels good in the short-term doesn’t always jive with your long-term goals and quick decisions may not align with your core values.

If you regularly buy on impulse, you’re not alone. According to Shopify, over 87% of US shoppers make impulse buys and more than 50% of all grocery items are sold because of impulsiveness. Enter Jen Smith and Jill Sirianni, co-hosts of the Frugal Friends podcast. Jen and Jill argue that frugality at its roots means preserving for all kinds of resources and they’re on the show to help you uncover the emotion beneath impulse buys.


Here’s a preview:

[6:30] The ‘cheap’ stigma: Reframing frugality from an undesirable character trait to a positive one

[11:00] What has to happen before you tackle your impulsive spending habit

[18:00] Tackling impulsive spending that’s triggered by emotion

[24:00] Impulse spending and belonging: How to reign in comparison-related purchases

[31:00] The ‘both, and’ approach: Holding the tension over balancing


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Let's face it: Impulse buys are fun in the moment. But what feels good in the short-term doesn't always jive with your long-term goals and quick decisions may not align with your core values. On this episode of the Sustainable Minimalists podcast: how to reign in impulse spending by first understanding the emotion driving the behavior.

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The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast
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New Year, Same Ol' Wonderful You

Does it feel like there’s something hypocritical about New Year’s resolutions? They run counter to the idea that we should accept who we are. That we should give ourselves grace.

Resolutions shouldn’t be so grand that we set ourselves up to fail; they shouldn't attempt to "fix" what we've been told is broken, either ("I should be skinnier! I should make more $$!"). There’s a way to work towards personal development without believing you are deficient, and author Tyler Moore is here to show us how.

Here's a preview:

[10:00] Where can you edit to make the time and space to flourish?

[15:00] Differentiating between becoming the best you can be versus "fixing" what you've been told is broken

[22:00] Clearing mental clutter is an awful lot like decluttering your closet

[27:00] Instead of a New Year's resolution, try 12 monthly 'experiments', instead

[32:00] Why hitching your star to external markers of success rarely works, plus: Don't move the goalpost!


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Hello there, I’m Stephanie. I live a crazy, beautiful life as a full-time wife, blogger + mother to two spirited daughters. I’m on a mission to simplify eco-friendly living so as to greater enjoy life’s sweeter moments.

Want to know more? Read my story.

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